BABBLES - vertaling naar arabisch
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BABBLES - vertaling naar arabisch

Prelinguistic vocalization; Baby language; Gabble; Babbles; Babbled; Jabbering; Baby babbling; Baby babble; Babbling stage; Googoogaga; Canonical babbling
  • A babbling infant, age 6 months, making ''ba'' and ''ma'' sounds (15 seconds)



خَرْخَرَة ; خَرير


خَرَّ الماءُ



خَرْخَرَة ; خَرير


خَرَّ الماءُ





خَرَّ الماءُ


·Impf & ·p.p. of Babble.



Babbling is a stage in child development and a state in language acquisition during which an infant appears to be experimenting with uttering articulate sounds, but does not yet produce any recognizable words. Babbling begins shortly after birth and progresses through several stages as the infant's repertoire of sounds expands and vocalizations become more speech-like. Infants typically begin to produce recognizable words when they are around 12 months of age, though babbling may continue for some time afterward.

Babbling can be seen as a precursor to language development or simply as vocal experimentation. The physical structures involved in babbling are still being developed in the first year of a child's life. This continued physical development is responsible for some of the changes in abilities and variations of sound babies can produce. Abnormal developments such as certain medical conditions, developmental delays, and hearing impairments may interfere with a child's ability to babble normally. Though there is still disagreement about the uniqueness of language to humans, babbling is not unique to the human species.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor BABBLES
1. Babble... later.
Hogfather (2006)
2. It's just babble at that point.
The Science of Great Relationships _ Laura Heck _ Talks at Google
3. and a year later, we launched Babble,
4. not baby dolphins, because they babble,
The Aliens Are Coming _ Ben Miller _ Talks at Google
5. RG: But for us, the continuity between Nerve and Babble
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor BABBLES
1. Birds sing, and a brook babbles between the fir trees.
2. Fitzgerald says he loves their quiet, pre–dawn time together, listening as his son babbles consonants.
3. But I had no choice," she babbles nervously in a strong northern accent.
4. She babbles words that correspond to her age," he said, picking up Milagros and holding her over his head as she giggled.
5. "Milk" by Tamaki Daido introduces a self–absorbed girl who babbles on about her shallow relationships as she casually contemplates her sexuality.